Tips On Patenting Your Startup Innovation
Tips On Patenting Your Startup Innovation 3 Things To Have Ready Before You Patent Your Startup Idea If you are looking for ways to protect your startup idea this post will help you understand what patents need and the process involved in securing a patent. Patent...
Taking A Product From Concept To Market
Taking A Product From Concept To MarketNearly anything you can imagine can be developed, but how do you sell it? How can you take it to market?Successfully getting into the marketplace is typically the most difficult part of product development. There are many...
The Importance of Prototyping During Product Development
The Importance of Prototyping During Product Development. Whether you’re a one-time inventor, designer, professional or entrepreneur, you will most likely need to build a prototype to help validate your product idea. If you’re planning on skipping building a prototype...
How To Get Started With An Idea: Startups!
How To Get Started With An Idea: Startups! You have a new product idea but no idea what the next steps are? Are you a startup, inventor or a business with a great idea? Check out these steps that will help you get that idea off the ground. 10 Steps For Turning Your...
NDA – Non Disclosure Agreements for Start Ups
NDA - Non Disclosure Agreements for Start UpsIt is very important for Start-Ups to protect their ideas. When a StartUp has not filed a patent application then using an NDA Non-disclosure agreement is your safest way to interact with stakeholders. Check out...
STARTUPS!!! Do you need help with an idea or invention?
Startups!!! Do you need help with an idea or invention?Help for StartUps!Are you a startUp and you have come up with a GREAT IDEA but feel unsure what to do with it or how to even begin making it a reality? Here are a few steps to help you get started.You...
Product design help for start-ups and small business
Product design help for start-ups and small businessAs an inventor or a start-up, how do you know when to hire start-up help? Do you really need a firm to help you through the product design process?There is no set answer to that question. Every product is...